17 Steps to Become a Software Developer Without a CS Degree


STEP 1: Define Your End Goal In Software Engineering

STEP 2: Choose A Good Programming Language To Learn

STEP 3: Learn The Fundamentals Of Your Chosen Language

STEP 4: Pick A Online Course or Bootcamp

STEP 5: Don’t Rely Solely On Your Course; Learn Something Extra from Internet or Books

STEP 6: Use The Real Tools That Professional Software Developer Use

STEP 7: Practice As Much As Possible To Improve Your Software Development Skills

STEP 8: Read Code Written By Other Software Developer

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STEP 9: Build Your Own Project

STEP 10: Try To Get An Internship or Contribute on Open Source Projects

STEP 11: Stay Update With Podcasts, News, Events, Social Media, etc.

STEP 12: Join Some Great Software Engineering Community

STEP 13: Try To Build A Strong Tech Network

STEP 14: Launch A Side Project And Market It Like Crazy

STEP 15: Prepare For Software Engineer Job Interview

STEP 16: Get Your Dream Software Engineer Job

STEP 17: Keep Learning And Become An Expert At Something

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