How to Become Writer In India – A Detailed Guide [2023]

Becoming a writer in India is an incredible journey filled with opportunities for creative expression and personal growth. However, it’s important to understand that achieving success as a writer requires more than just talent. It demands passion, unwavering dedication, and a commitment to continuous learning.

Passion is the fuel that drives a writer’s journey. It’s the intense love for storytelling, language, and the power of words that compels aspiring writers to embark on this path. Passion fuels the determination to overcome challenges, persevere through rejection, and keep pushing forward. Without passion, the path of a writer can be discouraging and difficult to sustain.

Continuous learning is essential for growth as a writer. Writing is a craft that can always be improved, and there’s always something new to learn. Engage in voracious reading across different genres, attend workshops, join writing groups, and seek feedback from experienced authors. Embrace constructive criticism as an opportunity for growth and be open to new ideas and perspectives. A growth mindset and a hunger for knowledge will help you refine your skills and evolve as a writer.

So, take the leap, follow your passion, and let your words make a lasting impact on the world.

Develop your writing skills

Developing your writing skills is crucial for becoming a successful writer in India. It involves honing your craft through practice, study, and actively seeking opportunities for growth.

Here are some key points to consider:

Practice and Daily Writing Exercises:

  • Regular practice is essential for improving your writing skills. Set aside dedicated time each day to write, even if it’s just for a few minutes.
  • Engage in writing exercises or prompts that challenge your creativity and help you explore different styles and genres. This consistent practice builds discipline and allows you to experiment and discover your unique voice as a writer.

Reading Widely:

  • Reading widely is a fundamental aspect of becoming a better writer. Explore books, articles, and literary works across various genres and styles. 
  • Analyse the techniques used by different authors, observe their storytelling methods, and learn from their use of language. Reading exposes you to different perspectives, enhances your vocabulary, and inspires new ideas, which can greatly enrich your own writing.

Attending Writing Workshops or Courses:

  • Participating in writing workshops or enrolling in writing courses can provide structured learning experiences. These opportunities offer guidance from experienced writers, expose you to new techniques and approaches, and provide valuable feedback on your work.
  • Workshops and courses often focus on specific aspects of writing, such as character development, plot structure, or poetry techniques, allowing you to strengthen your skills in targeted areas.

Seeking Constructive Feedback:

  • Feedback is invaluable for growth as a writer. Seek constructive criticism from trusted individuals, such as fellow writers, mentors, or writing groups. 
  • Constructive feedback helps you identify strengths and areas for improvement in your writing, allowing you to refine your skills. Be open to receiving feedback and use it as a tool to enhance your craft. Additionally, consider joining writing communities or online forums where you can share your work, receive feedback, and engage in discussions with other writers.

Joining Writing Communities:

  • Being part of a writing community provides a supportive environment for learning and growth. Connect with fellow writers through local writing groups, online platforms, or social media. 
  • Engage in discussions, share your work, and learn from the experiences of others.Writing communities offer opportunities for networking, collaboration, and mutual support, fostering a sense of camaraderie that can inspire and motivate you on your writing journey.

Build your Writing Platform

Building a writing portfolio is a crucial step in establishing yourself as a writer in India. It serves as a showcase of your abilities, allowing potential readers, clients, or publishers to assess your writing style, skills, and range of work. Here’s why a portfolio is significant and some tips to create an impressive one:

1.Significance of a Writing Portfolio:

  • Demonstrates your expertise: A portfolio exhibits your writing capabilities, demonstrating your expertise in various genres, styles, or topics.
  • Builds credibility: A well-crafted portfolio establishes credibility and trust, showcasing your commitment to the craft and your ability to deliver quality content.
  • Attracts opportunities: A compelling portfolio can attract potential clients, readers, or publishers who are looking for talented writers.
  • Showcases your unique voice: A portfolio allows you to showcase your unique writing voice, helping you stand out in a competitive market.
  • Reflects professionalism: A professionally presented portfolio demonstrates your commitment to your work and the level of professionalism you bring to your writing.

2.Platforms for Publishing Your Work:

  • Consider the following platforms to publish your work and build your writing portfolio:
  • Personal Blog: Create a personal blog where you can showcase your writing, share articles, stories, or poetry, and engage with readers directly.
  • Writing Websites: Submit your work to reputable writing websites or platforms that accept guest contributions, such as Medium, HubPages, or StoryMirror.
  • Online Magazines and Literary Journals: Submit your pieces to online magazines or literary journals that align with your writing style and genre preferences.

3.Tips for Creating a Compelling Portfolio:

  • Select your best pieces: Choose a diverse range of your strongest writing samples that highlight your skills, versatility, and unique voice.
  • Format professionally: Ensure that your portfolio is visually appealing and easy to navigate. Use clear headings, appropriate fonts, and organize your work by genre or topic.
  • Showcase published work: Include links or PDFs of published articles, stories, or poetry to demonstrate your experience and credibility.
  • Provide brief introductions: Accompany each piece with a short introduction that explains the context, purpose, or inspiration behind the work.
  • Update regularly: Regularly update your portfolio with new pieces or published works to showcase your growth and keep it fresh.

4. Maintain an Updated Online Presence:

  • Create an author website: Build a professional website that showcases your portfolio, provides information about your writing services, and allows readers to connect with you.
  • Engage on social media: Maintain an active presence on social media platforms relevant to writers, such as Twitter or LinkedIn. Share snippets of your work, engage in conversations, and connect with fellow writers and potential readers.

Networking and collaboration 

Networking and collaboration play a crucial role in building a successful writing career in India. By connecting with fellow writers, editors, publishers, and literary agents, you can open doors to new opportunities, gain valuable insights, and establish a supportive network within the writing community. Here’s a breakdown of their importance and effective strategies to engage in networking and collaboration:

Importance of Networking:

  • Building relationships: Networking allows you to establish connections with other writers and professionals in the industry. These relationships provide support, guidance, and potential collaborations.
  • Learning and growth: Interacting with fellow writers, editors, publishers, and literary agents exposes you to different perspectives and experiences. You can learn from their insights, industry knowledge, and success stories, helping you grow as a writer.
  • Discovering opportunities: Networking helps you discover various opportunities, such as finding writing gigs, getting published, or learning about writing competitions or literary events.
  • Establishing credibility: Building relationships within the writing community helps establish your credibility. Recommendations or endorsements from respected peers can enhance your reputation and increase your visibility to publishers or agents.

Strategies for Networking:

  • Join writing groups: Participate in local or online writing groups where you can connect with like-minded writers, exchange feedback, share resources, and receive support. Platforms like Meetup or online writing communities are great places to find relevant groups.
  • Attend literary events: Make an effort to attend book launches, writing conferences, literary festivals, and author readings. These events provide opportunities to meet established writers, publishers, and industry professionals. Engage in conversations, ask questions, and exchange contact information.
  • Utilize social media: Utilize social media platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook to connect with writers, publishers, and literary agents. Follow relevant hashtags, join writing-related groups, and actively engage in discussions to expand your network and visibility within the writing community.

Benefits of Collaboration:

  • Creative synergy: Collaborating with other writers can lead to creative synergy, resulting in unique and compelling projects. Combining different perspectives and skills often produces works that are greater than the sum of their parts.
  • Skill development: Collaborating with writers who have different strengths and expertise can help you develop new skills or explore different genres. It expands your horizons and encourages growth as a writer.
  • Increased exposure: Collaboration exposes your work to the audiences of your collaborators, potentially expanding your reach and attracting new readers or followers.
  • Writing competitions: Participating in writing competitions allows you to showcase your skills, receive feedback from judges, and gain recognition. It also provides opportunities to connect with fellow writers participating in the same competition.

Submitting and Publishing Work

Submitting and publishing your work involves these key steps:

  1. Research potential publishers: Find publishers that match your writing genre and style. Read their published works to understand their preferences.
  1. Understand submission guidelines: Follow guidelines meticulously, including formatting and additional materials required.
  1. Craft a compelling query letter: Introduce yourself, provide a hook, and briefly describe your work. Personalize the letter for each publisher.
  1. Dealing with rejections: Don’t take rejections personally. Learn from feedback, stay positive, and continue submitting to other publishers.
  1. Importance of perseverance: Keep improving your writing, seeking feedback, and staying dedicated to your goals. Surround yourself with a supportive network of writers.
  1. Remember, publishing is subjective. Stay persistent, learn from rejections, and never give up on your writing passion. Your commitment and resilience will increase your chances of success.

Establishing an Online Presence

Significance of Building an Online PresenceTips for Establishing an Impactful Online Presence
Increases visibility for readers, publishers, and writersCreate a professional author website showcasing your portfolio and works
Demonstrates professionalism and credibilityMaintain a blog with regular updates and original content
Enables direct engagement with readersUtilize social media platforms to connect and interact with your audience
Showcases your writing through blog posts, excerpts, or samplesRespond promptly to comments and messages from readers
Cultivates a dedicated reader communityShare strategic snippets and teasers of your work
Collaborate with fellow writers on joint projects or guest blog posts

Exploring Publishing Options:

When it comes to publishing in the Indian market, there are two main options to consider: traditional publishing and self-publishing. Here’s a concise breakdown of each route, along with their advantages and considerations:

Traditional Publishing:


  • Editorial support: Traditional publishers typically provide professional editing and proofreading services to ensure the quality of your work.
  • Industry expertise: Publishers have extensive knowledge of the market and can guide you in terms of book promotion, distribution, and navigating the publishing landscape.
  • Credibility and validation: Being traditionally published can enhance your credibility as a writer and increase the chances of getting reviewed by reputable literary critics and gaining exposure in mainstream media.


  • Competitive and selective: Traditional publishing is highly competitive, and securing a publishing deal can be challenging due to limited slots available for new authors.
  • Longer process: The traditional publishing process, including finding an agent or publisher, negotiating contracts, and finalizing publication, can be time-consuming and may take several months to years.
  • Limited control: Authors may have less control over cover design, marketing strategies, and pricing decisions as these are often determined by the publisher.



  • Control and flexibility: Self-publishing allows you to have full control over the entire publishing process, including content, cover design, pricing, and distribution.
  • Faster publication: Self-publishing enables you to publish your work relatively quickly, bypassing the lengthy process of finding an agent or publisher.
  • Higher royalty rates: Authors can earn higher royalty rates through self-publishing, as they retain a larger portion of the book’s sales revenue.


  • DIY approach: Self-publishing requires authors to handle various aspects themselves, such as editing, cover design, formatting, and marketing. This may involve additional costs or the need to outsource these services.
  • Marketing and promotion: Authors need to be proactive in promoting their books and building their reader base through online platforms, social media, book signings, and other marketing strategies.
  • Establishing credibility: Self-published authors may face challenges in terms of building credibility, as some readers and industry professionals still have a bias towards traditionally published works.

Publishing Process Overview:

  1. Editing: Whether you choose traditional or self-publishing, professional editing is crucial. Hire an editor or work with a publishing house’s editorial team to refine your manuscript.
  2. Cover design: A visually appealing cover is essential for attracting readers. Consider hiring a professional designer or utilizing self-publishing platforms that offer cover design templates.
  3. Formatting: Prepare your manuscript for publication by formatting it according to the specifications of your chosen publishing platform or traditional publisher.
  4. Distribution: Traditional publishers handle distribution to bookstores and online retailers. For self-publishing, consider using platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, Kobo Writing Life, or Smashwords, which offer global distribution.
  5. Marketing and promotion: Develop a marketing strategy that includes online promotion through social media, author website, book reviews, and promotional events like book signings or virtual author talks.

Promoting your Work

Promoting your writing and gaining visibility is crucial for reaching a wider audience. Here are effective strategies to consider:

Book Signings, Author Readings, and Literary Festivals:

  • Book signings and author readings: Organize events at local bookstores or libraries to connect with readers directly, discuss your work, and sign copies of your book. This personal interaction can create a lasting impression and generate word-of-mouth buzz.
  • Literary festivals: Participate in literary festivals, conferences, or writing conventions to engage with fellow writers, publishers, and avid readers. These events provide networking opportunities, panel discussions, and chances to showcase your work to a larger audience.

Utilizing Social Media:

  • Establish a presence: Use social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn to connect with readers, fellow writers, and industry professionals. Share updates about your writing, engage in conversations, and promote your work.
  • Engage with your audience: Respond to comments, messages, and inquiries from your followers. Build relationships with readers by sharing writing advice, behind-the-scenes glimpses, or personal insights.
  • Visual content: Utilize visuals like book covers, quotes, or images related to your writing to make your social media posts visually appealing and shareable.

Guest Blogging:

  • Write guest posts for popular blogs or websites that cater to your target audience. This allows you to tap into their established readership and expand your reach.
  • Provide valuable content: Offer unique insights, writing tips, or share your writing journey to engage and captivate readers. Include links to your own website or books to drive traffic and increase your visibility.
  • Building Relationships with Book Reviewers and Influencers:
  • Reach out to book reviewers and bloggers in your genre. Offer them a complimentary copy of your book in exchange for an honest review or feature on their platforms.
  • Collaborate with influencers: Identify influencers or instagrammers with a significant following and engage with them. Offer to provide them with exclusive content, interviews, or giveaways that they can share with their audience.


Becoming a writer in India is a fulfilling and rewarding journey that requires passion, continuous learning, and perseverance. By developing your writing skills through daily practice, extensive reading, attending workshops, and seeking constructive feedback, you can refine your craft and discover your unique voice. 

Building a writing platform, such as a portfolio and online presence, allows you to showcase your work, attract opportunities, and connect with readers, clients, and publishers. 

Networking and collaboration within the writing community provide valuable support, learning opportunities, and exposure to new avenues. When it comes to publishing, consider traditional or self-publishing routes based on your goals and preferences, and remember to promote your work through book signings, social media, guest blogging, and engaging with influencers. 

With dedication, resilience, and a commitment to continuous growth, you can embark on a successful writing career in India and make a lasting impact with your words.

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