Best Ways to Craft an Exceptional Resume to Secure Your Dream Job

The first step towards landing your dream job is crafting an exceptional resume. Making your resume stand out is essential with the job market becoming increasingly competitive.

Before you start applying, here I’m going to share some tips for leaving an impact on the hiring manager through your resume. Let’s explore together the best ways to create a resume that will get you noticed.

Secure Your Dream Job with these Exceptional Resume Making Tips

Focus on Relevant Experiences

Your resume should highlight your most relevant experiences. If you’ve had a long career, I would suggest concentrating on the last three significant roles or those most relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Add Keywords

Hundreds of people apply for a job and keeping in view that volume, companies use Application Tracking Software (ATS) to skim through resumes. Here I would advise including keywords from the job description. It will increase your chances of getting noticed by passing these systems.

Keep It Concise

I’ve seen resumes of several pages and I often get inspired by such applicants as well, But I guess you should aim for a one-page resume unless you have extensive relevant experience that requires a longer document.

Quantify Achievements

You should use numbers to demonstrate your impact in previous roles. For example, mention the percentage by which you exceeded targets or the revenue you generated.

Skills in Action

That’s an important point in my opinion and often a mistake made by most of the applicants. Rather than just saying you’re a “team player,” you should describe a situation where you collaborated with a team to achieve something significant.

Clean and Clear Design

When designing your resume, simplicity is the key. Choose a layout that’s easy on the eyes. Here are some guidelines to ensure your resume has a clean and professional look:

Fonts: Stick to classic, readable fonts like Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman. These fonts are universally recognized and display well on-screen and in print.

Font Size: Generally, your main content should be in 10–12-point font. Your name and section headings can be slightly larger, around 14-16 points.

Layout: Use consistent spacing and bullet points to organize your information.

File Format: Save your resume as a PDF to maintain the design across different devices and platforms.

Highlight Contact Info

Your name, email, and phone number should be readily visible so employers can contact you quickly.

Digital Presence

In today’s digital age, many employers will look you up online. Ensure your online presence, especially on professional networks like LinkedIn, aligns with your resume.

Use Action Words

Using strong action verbs can make your resume more compelling. Words like “achieved,” “managed,” and “designed” can make a big difference. If you need clarification on word choice, is a handy tool to help you find synonyms and rephrase your statements. This online paraphrasing tool has built-in modes that can make your resume text in a more compelling tone.

Proofread & Edit

Thoroughly proofreading and editing your resume is essential before submission. Minor errors can impact an employer’s impression of you. Ensure consistency in formatting and consider getting feedback from a trusted source. Tools like can help refine content, making your resume polished and professional.

Mistakes to Avoid When Making Your Resume

Overloading with Jargon:

Including too many industry-specific terms can confuse hiring managers who might not have specialized knowledge in every field.

Inconsistent Formatting:

A mix of different fonts, bullet styles, or date formats can make your resume look unprofessional and hard to follow.

Being Too Vague:

General statements like “worked in sales” don’t clearly show your responsibilities or achievements.

Including Outdated Information:

Listing very old jobs or skills that are no longer relevant can clutter your resume, and your current qualifications might be overlooked.

Using a One-Size-Fits-All Approach:

Not editing your resume for each job application can result in missed opportunities to showcase your most relevant skills and experiences.

Bottom Line

Creating a proper resume is all about the details. It’s important to keep things clear, avoid using too many fancy words, and make sure your resume fits the job you’re applying for. Don’t add old or unrelated information, and always double-check for mistakes. Using tools like can help make your resume even better. In the end, a good resume shows off your best skills and experiences, helping you get that dream job.


Q1. Is it okay to use graphics or icons in my resume?

Ans. While graphics or icons can make a resume visually appealing, they might not always be suitable. Some Application Tracking Systems (ATS) can’t read graphics, so your resume might be overlooked. If you’re applying for a creative role, consider having two versions of your resume: one with graphics for direct submissions and one without for online applications.

Q2. How long should my resume be if I’m a recent graduate?

Ans. For recent graduates, a one-page resume is typically sufficient. Employers understand that you might not have extensive work experience at this stage. Focus on your education, relevant coursework, internships, volunteer work, and any skills or projects that align with the job you’re applying for.

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