How to Become President of India | Just for Knowledge

The President is the first man of any democratic country and also in India, the president is the first man of the country. Do you have an interest in presidential life? Do you also want to know how to serve the president his life for the country? And Do you also want to know about the president’s contributions to the constitution? If your answer is yes then you choose the right blog for your knowledge. So, we support you to know about how to become president of India.

You have many questions in your mind related to presidential life. You want to know answers to president related questions For example- what is a President? President’s Eligibility? President PayScale?;  these are some questions, which answer you want to know. Therefore we will give full details about the president.

The President is not only the first man of the country but also he is head of the country’s army, constitution, laws and security. The President the head of the state but not of the Executive. He/ represents the Nation but does not rule the Nation. The President is the symbol of the Nation.

He/She is the head of the state but not of the Executive. He represents the Nation but does not rule the Nation. He is the symbol of the Nation.

Who is President?

Under the draft of the constitution, the President occupies the same position as the King under the English Constitution. She/He is the head of the state but not of the Executive. The President is the first man of the Nation but does not rule the Nation. He/She is the symbol of the Nation. His place in the administration is that of a ceremonial device on a seal by which the nation’s decisions are made known.

Bhimrao Ambedkar, chairperson of the drafting committee of the Constituent Assembly of India

India is the world’s largest democracy but India’s President is not elected directly by the people so he represents India but he cannot make decisions for the country. But he can decide in some situations and some judicial cases. Indian presidents have power but not more than the prime ministers or ministers.

We can say India’s President is the first man of the country but he is not the first powerful or important man. In other words, the president of India is a supporter of prime minister design. But, it does not mean that the prime minister does not disallow the president’s decision and suggestions.

In the Indian Constitution, according to article 155,  the President elected for India is represented in India. He is the head of the Army. He is the supreme of any state if have no majority to any political party to govern in this state.

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Eligibility for President

Article 58 of the constitution sets the principal qualifications of the president. 

A president must be:

a citizen of India.

of 35 years of age or above

qualified to become a member of the Lok Sabha

A person shall not be eligible for election as president if he holds any office of profit under the Government of India or the Government of any State or any local or other authority subject to the control of any of the said Governments.

Certain office-holders, however, are permitted to stand as presidential candidates. These are:

The current vice-president

The governor of any state

A Minister of the Union or any state (including the prime minister and chief ministers).

If the vice-president, a state governor or a minister is elected president, they are considered to have vacated their previous office on the date they begin serving as president.

Conditions for the presidency

The President will not be a member of either house of the parliament or a house of the legislature of any state, and if a member of either house of the parliament or a house of the legislature of any state is elected president, he shall be deemed to have vacated his seat in that house on the date on which he enters upon his office as president.

He does not hold any other office of profit.

He will be entitled without payment of rent to the use of his official residences and shall be also entitled to such emoluments, allowances and privileges as may be determined by Parliament by law and until provision in that behalf is so made, such emoluments, allowances and privileges as are specified in the Second Schedule.

The emoluments and allowances of the president shall not be diminished during his term of office.

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How to become President of India

President of India elected for five years. So every five years later a new President is elected. The process of the presidential election is given below:

The new President is elected by members of both houses of parliament the elected members of the state legislative assembly assemblies (Vidhan sabha) of all states elected members of all union territories with legislatures (MLAs) of union territories with legislatures.

The election process of President is are extensive process than the prime minister, who is elected by people directly by the Lok Sabha members only; because the ident is not chosen by Lok sabha members. he is elected by an electronic college consisting of the elected member of Vidhan sabha legislative assemblies and union territories.

The new President deposits ₹15000 as a security bond to apply for the presidency. And to become the President, the candidate needs 50% votes plus 1 vote. Any candidate who has this voting percentage is elected unanimously as the President of India.

In India, the presidential election is based on 1971 population counting. In every presidential election the public does not directly vote for any candidate but According to the state population. Every legislative assembly member’s vote power is decided by the State population. If any state population is high then there may be MLA’s vote power automatically increase compared to any other state.

India’s presidency election counting

President choose formula

Total No. of Vote = Vote value of M.P + Vote value of M.L.A

How to find-

For eg., in 2017

The total value of votes of all MLAs= 5,49,495

Total number of MPs= 543 (LS) +233 (RS) = 776

Value of the vote of each MP= 5,49,495 / 776 = 708

Total Value of votes of all the MPs= 776×708 = 5,49,408

5,49,408 This is the total vote value of M.P’s.

The formula for the Vote value of MLA

Value of an MLA vote = Total population of the state or union territories / 

The total number of elected members of the legislative assemblies is is bly ×1000.

For example,

U.P. number of Assembly seats = 403

The population of U.P as per 1971 Census= 83,849,775

Value of the vote of each MLA=

83,849,775 403 x 1000 = 208.06

Total Value of votes of all the state MLA’S= 403 X 208 = 83824

83824 This is the vote value of Uttar Pradesh in the presidential election.

To become a president of India a candidate must need a 50% vote +1 vote; if any candidate has 50% vote off total voting and also has another single vote then he can become president of India.

Indian constitution articles about the president



Article 52

There shall be a President of India.

Article 53

Executive Power of the Union

Article 54 

Election of President

Article 55

Manner of election of President

Article 56

Term of office of President

Article 57 

Eligibility for re-election

Article 58

Qualifications for election as President

Article 59

Conditions of President’s office

Article 60

Oath or affirmation by the President

Article 61

Procedure for impeachment of the President

Article 62

Time of holding election to fill a vacancy in the office of president and the term of office or person elected to fill a casual vacancy

Article 70 

Discharge of President’s functions in other contingencies

Article 71

Matters relating to, or connected with, the election of a President or Vice-President

Article 72

Power of President to grant pardons, etc., and to suspend, remit or commute sentences in certain cases

Article 74

Council of Ministers to aid and advise President

Article 75

Other provisions as to Ministers

Article 87 

Special address by the President

Article 123

Power of President to promulgate Ordinances during recess of Parliament

Article 143

Power of President to consult Supreme Court

Article 352

National Emergency

Article 356

President’s rule

Article 360

Financial Emergency.

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Pay Scale of the President

The salary of the president of India is ₹5 lakh (US$6,600) per month. This salary was updated on 1 February 2018. There are some sources of his income: The president of India used to receive ₹10,000 (US$100) per month per the Second Schedule of the constitution. 

There are some other resources given to the president by the constitution. For example, president house, president security, president health care, president visit arrangements etc.

Conclusion: How to become President of India

In conclusion, the President of India is the first man of the country but not the most important man of the country because the first important man of the country is the minister. He is the head of an army of India but he cannot command the army to do anything without permission or suggestion.

In the same vein, the president is the symbol of India but he is not a democratic symbol of India. She is the head of the state but not of the Executive. The president presents the Nation but does not rule the Nation. This is the symbol of the Nation.

At least, His place in the administration is that of a ceremonial device on a seal by which the nation’s decisions are made known. He can suggest anything to the prime minister, minister or people to any matter. For more information visit to Every Indian respects his president, vice president, prime minister and other honourable people.

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